Dear you all of Liu-shun members
After I being a stroke patient,and getting many differents,like western American medical treatment , Chinese traditional acupunture, massage threapy and rehabilitation for 5 months,still they didn’t fix my dizziness,cramp, and pain from the stroke.My wife and I were so desperate totally……
Finally,we got the Liu-shun information from google. We had searched many times,and we made the decision to return to Taiwan to receive treatments from Liu Shun Clinic to anyone who need to come here to receive treatment.Thank you all. David&Candice 王院長、謝主任及各位醫護人員、工作人員們:
劉德民 2017/07/28 #感謝信 #六順診所 #國際案例 #王新民 #回饋函