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堅信一切,奇蹟就會出現!A Treatment in Taiwan Saved Me From Surgeries

姓名: 翁先生 Name: Mr. Weng 年齡: 73歲 Age: 73 性別: 男 Gender: Male 疾病類型: 冠狀動脈心臟病 Diagnosis: Coronary Artery Disease 疾病確診日: 未知 Date of Diagnosis: N/a 慢性疾病: 高血脂 Chronic Disease: hyperlipidemia 治療期間:108年09月04日至09月21日(共18天;10次療程) 治療前 : 108年09月04日 治療後: 108年09月21日 右側耳鳴(長達約20年) 右側耳鳴改善50% 雙側肩頸痠痛緊繃 雙側肩頸痠痛緊繃改善95% 胸悶胸痛 胸悶胸痛療程中皆未發生 手不自主發抖 手不自主發抖改善50% Treatment period: Sep 4-21, 2019 (18 days, 10 treatments) Pre-treatment :2019.09.04 Post-treatment : 2019.09.21 Tinnitus (right ear): 20+ years 50% improvement Both shoulders tension & pain 95% improvement Chest tightness/pain Never happened during treatment Involuntary hand tremor 50% improvement 這對夫妻是馬來西亞人,叔叔已73歲是第一次到台灣來,此次會來台灣做療程是因為心臟有四條血管阻塞百分之85至百分之90,當時醫生強烈建議要裝支架,但叔叔堅持不裝,叔叔就是只想到六順做治療! 73-year-old Mr. Weng had never been to Taiwan. When he finally flew from Malaysia to Taiwan, it was not for a vacation but for a-hundred-year-old special treatment only available in Taiwan, developed by the Liu Shun Clinic. Prior to the trip, Weng was told that there were 4 places of blockage of up to 85-90% in the vessels in his heart. Despite his doctors in Malaysia urging him to undergo coronary angioplasty and stent insertion surgeries, Weng firmly refused. Weng’s heart was set on the Liu Shun treatment and the treatment only!
叔叔說在聚會中,曾經聽聞好友介紹台灣的六順診所,有在做關於心臟方面的治療與預防,看到好友夫婦的體力及臉色皆大幅提升,連平時經常聽他喊胸悶,現在也都沒有聽見了,叔叔在看到這樣活生生的例子後,未曾向六順診所客服人員做諮詢,就直接毅然決然到台灣來做治療。 According to Weng, he first heard of the treatment at Liu Shun when he personally witnessed its effects on his friend. After Weng’s friend and his wife went through the Liu Shun treatment, not only did they look better and more energized, the chest pain they often complained of had gone away as well. Seeing is believing, Weng dropped everything immediately and hopped on a plane to Taiwan. 叔叔在第一天做完療程後隔天就由友人帶到台南市區走走,自述玩一整天也沒有感到胸口有不適感,在治療的20多天也到台中、高雄去玩,叔叔說很久沒有這樣開心地四處玩。 The 18-day treatment was probably the happiest Weng had been in a long time. The immediate day following his first treatment, Weng was out all day touring around Tainan without any of his regular chest pain. During his treatment, he also travelled long-distance to cities such as Taichung and Kaohsiung, something he could never dream of pre-treatment. It felt to him like a dream-come-true. 翁叔叔的女兒來台灣探病時,幾乎無法相信父親病情的好轉。回想起當時在馬來西亞送機時,堅持不裝支架的爸爸,每五分鐘就得停下來喘氣,幾乎就走不完從大門到海關這短短的路程。沒想到今天爸爸竟然能在台灣到處遊玩,做子女真的是感動不已。 Even Weng’s daughter was surprised to see how much her dad had improved in just a few short days when she came to visit him during treatment. She recalled that when she sent Weng off at the Kuala Lumpur Airport to come to Taiwan, she watched as Weng stopped to take a breath every five minutes or so, barely making it through airport security. Whereas now, her dad had enough energy to be out and about all day. The immense joy she felt had taken over any previous concerns about Weng not undergoing stent surgeries. 叔叔的耳鳴也約20多年了,一直沒有好轉,持續會聽見像小蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡般的吵雜聲,在治療心血管療程時,卻改善了這多年的症狀,讓叔叔開心不已,更別說因血管阻塞,而最困擾的胸悶在療程中也看到改善,不喘不悶不痛,叔叔也很感謝個管師及護理師在療程中,對他無微不至的關心與照顧,叔叔甚至熱情地邀請我們到馬來西亞遊玩! Moreover, Weng was happy to find that the tinnitus he has had for over 20 years, the constant buzzing noise that never seems to shut off, has also improved. The treatment was more than what Weng had hoped for and more effective than he had expected. He was grateful to Liu Shun, all the physicians, nurses, and case managers, so much so that he very graciously extended an invitation to all our staff to stay at his house if we ever visit Malaysia! #冠狀動脈心臟病

堅信一切,奇蹟就會出現!A Treatment in Taiwan Saved Me From Surgeries


No. 94, Jisheng Rd., Xuejia Dist.,

Tainan City 726, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  

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Tainan | (06)7832-136

No. 94, Jisheng Rd., Xuejia Dist.,

Tainan City 726, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

Xindian | (02)8914-7237

No. 10, Sec. 2, Beixin Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  

Linkou | (03)3277-696

No. 86, Wenqi 5th St., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  

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